Misabel |
Name for this Moomin character might be Misabel. Her head is made from wood with painted sad looking eyes and red hairs. She has blue dress and white apron with question mark and brush in her left hand. Fortunately there are not any text on the bottom on her foots as usually. She is ca. 12 cm (ca. 5 inch) height. I have never seen different size of Misabel troll so probably this is the only size Atelier Fauni has made. She as other Atelier Fauni's Moomin trolls is made between 1950's...1970's. |
Same text below written as finnish... Tämä Muumihahmo Lienee nimeltään Miska. Puusta valmistettuun
päähän on maalattu hieman alakuloiset silmät ja Hiukset ovat punaiset. Hänellä on
päällään sininen mekko ja valkoinen essu jossa on kysymysmerkki ja kädessä sivellin. |
First Moomin Trolls are made by Atelier Fauni in
Finland from 1950's to 1970's. |
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