Moominpappa |
Moominpappa is Moomin trolls father. His body is made from light grey or light blue-grey mohair and face and foots from leather. His eyes are brown. You can see from picture that the material is little different from left side troll. Usually the Moominpappa has stick on his hand, but it's loose very often also. On the bottom of foots is texts Atelier Fauni Finland and in other feet text Moomin or Muumi, not the Moomin name on it. The size for the trolls in picture below is ca. 16 cm (ca. 6 inch) and 14 cm (ca. 5.5 inch). These trolls are made between 1950's...1970's. |
Same text below written as finnish... Muumiperheen Muumipapan vartalo on valmistettu vaaleanharmaasta
mohairista tai vaaleansiniharmaasta teddykarvasta ja hänellä on ruskeat silmät. Kuvassa
olevista peikoista voit nähdä että peikkoa on valmistettu kahdesta eri materiaalista.
Yleensä Muumipapalla on kädessään kävelykeppi, joka valitettavasti on usein
hävinnyt. |
First Moomin Trolls are made by Atelier Fauni in
Finland from 1950's to 1970's. |
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