The short history of Kurikan Laatikko ja Nukketehdas

A Short History of the Doll Factory in Kurikka, Finland

Already as a young girl, Fanny Hakola made clothes, hats and dolls for her relatives and friends. A skilled craftsman, she decided in the 1920’s to manufacture them. A few years later, most probably in 1928, Erkki and Fanny Hakola expanded the operations of a cardboard factory in the municipality of Kurikka, in Southern Ostrobothnia of Finland. The factory was named Kurikan Laatikko- ja Nukketehdas (Kurikka Cardboard Box and Doll Factory). The main products of the factory were dolls and a variety of boxes for packaging. Fanny Hakola was born in 1895 and Erkki Hakola in 1891.

In the early days, Erkki and Fanny Hakola did all the manufacturing and marketing of the products themselves, but soon also outside personnel was employed. During the best seasons, a total of 20 people worked in the doll production. Particularly before Christmas the doll production needed extra hands.

The Trademark Was Tähti-Nukke

As early as in 1931, the Tähti-Nukke (Star Doll) was got the first prize at the agricultural exhibition of Seinäjoki. In 1935 the dolls won a prize also at the agricultural exhibition of Kurikka and Fanny Hakola also got a diploma at the sales exhibition of Vaasa.

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Kurikka Cardboard Box and Doll Factory stand at Kurikka agricultural exhibition in 1935.

The factory manufactured dolls and stuffed animals. The dolls, their dresses and accessories were designed by Fanny Hakola. She made the finest dresses and accessories herself. As models for her dolls, she used mainly American dolls. Pictures and patterns for the dolls were sent to her by relatives living in the U.S. The American-style models produced by the factory included also Felix, the cat.

The stuffed animals and rag dolls were manufactured at the factory from scratch. The stuffed animals included teddy bears, cats, apes and elephants. The rag dolls got their faces through the paint brush of Erkki Hakola, who also made the shoes of the finest dolls. The heads of the most expensive dolls, but also sometimes the hands and feet, were ordered from other manufacturers, such as Martta Nukketeollisuus and Velpe Oy. Dolls parts came also from as far as Germany. Some doll models were equipped with baby cry voice machinery.

The dolls were marked with Tähti-Nukke paper sticker trademark. It is difficult to recognise the dolls, because the trademarks have disappeared. The packaging of the dolls was made in the factory.

The dolls were sold in shops throughout the country. The operation of the doll factory came to an end in 1952, but Fanny Hakola continued to make some dolls to order. The cardboard box factory was closed down in 1974.

The daughters of Fanny and Erkki Hakola checked the information in 2005.

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The manufacturer mark of these dolls is "Tähti Nukke" (at english Star Doll)

Thank you very much for Hakola family daughters whom have checked and rewritten this text.
Thank you for my friend Kari Kohtanen from Kurikka also who give the idea to put this text here...
Check also Dolls without manufacturer mark...
Perhaps there is also dolls made by Kurikka Box and Doll Factory

Beginning at