Mikro-Kino 3D-Viewer

What is the Mikro-Kino 3D-viewer, and who was the maker of  it?.
The company called "Mikro-Kino Kommandiittiyhtiö" made and sold 3D-Viewers and films in Helsinki Finland at 1950-1960.
They had two types of 35mm Black/White stereo films in their production, films had 16 and 32 pairs of pictures.

mikrokino15.jpg (2911 bytes)

Some examples of  Mikro-Kino films: The car race called "Eläintarhan ajot" part 1 and 2, Olympic games in Helsinki 1952 parts 1-6, Visiting Helsinki parts 1-2, Finland by car 1-3 and The adventure of the Momin Trolls. 'Work and Sport in Airport of Malmi at fifties, 'The time of grandmother in Helsinki' The film was collected from stereo pictures which taken by "Amatör Fotografer Klubben" (AFK) at 1913-18. There are 50 known series from Mikro-Kino at this moment.
The researchers, collectors and books of 3D photography don't know about this Finnish system yet. The guy called John Waldsmithin has said: "Today, stereo views are a recognized collectible. There are still "finds" to be made…" and its true.

More information by Vesa Keskinen: vesa.keskinen@hel.fi

The List of MIKRO-KINO films &

Beginning at www.fintoys.com