Dolls made by Polar Nukke, Rovaniemi Finland 1976-1986

Polar Nukke started their production by designing and making Laplander clothes for dolls they bought from Dollytex. Later the company Polar Nukke bought also the moulds from Dollytex and started an own doll production . The company Polarnukke worked in Rovaniemi 1976-1986. From 1986 to 1997 the name of this company has been Napapiirin Muovi, 1998 it has bought by Erkki Juopperi and the name has changed to Arctic Plast oy. To day it's the part of company T:mi Erkki Juopperi and the name is Arctic Doll.
So you can still today see these same dolls (some of those are designed at end of fifties) with Laplander clothes for sale in several souvenir shops.

Dolls with Laplander clothes today:

polar_lap21_m.jpg (7263 bytes)
polar_lap41_m.jpg (9866 bytes)polar_lap42_m.jpg (10886 bytes)

These items are from my collection... Not for sale!

Beginning at