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Story about Fauni Trolls...

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We who live way up in the far north - in the land of virgin forests, thousands of lakes, bright summer nights and shining northern lights - believe that in our forests, in our homes and everywhere, live small creatures which we call trolls.

These trolls are very friendly and they love people - especially children.

To have a troll as a friend, will bring success and fortune in all of life's undertakings.

This we believe - and we hope that our happy and warmhearted trolls will find many, many friends far outside Finland.

Fauni Trolls are created by Martti and Helena Kuuskoski, Made and sold by Fauni Ltd.

Figures and names are registered copyright all over the world by Kuuskoski Production & Co.

The Fauni trolls are made of fur, leather and cloth in various gay colors.

This text is a copy from Fauni catalog at year 1967